Manual Signature

Here, you will find detailed manuals to guide you through the process of implementing your own signature. Simply follow the instructions provided to ensure your signature is set up correctly and meets the required format.


1. Personal Signature 
Open the document that we have created here and saved in your personal One Drive 

2. Copy your Signature
Highlight the “long version” of your signature, then copy it using Ctrl + C or by right-clicking and selecting “Copy.”

3. Open Outlook on your Computer 

4. Got to File 

5. Got to Options on the bottom of the site 

6. Click on “Mail” and then “Signature” 

7. Create a new Signature

8. Type in a name for the Signature and press “OK”

9. Paste the Signature
Paste the long version of your signature into the designated field by pressing Ctrl + V. Double-check that the format matches your personalized Word template.

10. Save as Default
Set the long version of the signature as the default for New Messages.

11. Create the Short Version
Create a new signature for the “short version” by repeating the same steps outlined above.


12. Configure Default Settings
Ensure the default signature settings are correctly set for both versions as shown in the provided picture.

13. Save and Test
Click “OK” to save everything and test your new signature.


14. Send for Review

Send an email with both the long and short versions of your signature to one of the following addresses for a quick review:


We’ll review your signature and let you know if everything looks good!