Signature Block


Email is the primary method of written communication in our professional interactions. To ensure consistency and a unified representation, we ask all employees of SIS Swiss International School who can customise their signature to follow the guidelines outlined below.


To get your email signature ready, please follow the two-step guideline. (1) Customise your personal signature based on the templates and save it on your computer and (2) configure this signature in Outlook for both your computer and smartphone. 


Important Notes: 

Email signatures within the email domains of: 

  • sis-*location*.ch // sis-*location*.de // sis-*location* // sis-*location*.it

Receive an automatically generated email signature which follows the SIS email signature standards.


Emails with the following domains: 

  • // // //

are not to be used for email communication and hence do not need to have a signature.


1. Personalise Your Signature Based on the Templates

A. Download
Download the template specific to your country/company entity:

B. Save
Save the Word document to a folder on your personal OneDrive for easy access.


C. Customise Long, Short and Smartphone Version
According to picture below: customise all brackets with your personal information. Please also take note of the comments within the picture below for additional guidance. Do not alter the format, including font size, font color, or line spacing.


List of the official SIS school names can be found here.



This is how your signature long version should look like:

This is how your signature short version should look like:

This is how your signature Smartphone should look like:

D. Save
Save your signature. 

2. Implementation of Your Signature on Computer and Smartphone

Please follow the detailed instructions on how to implement your personalised signature in both your computer and smartphone. 


Instruction Manual