Signature Block


In professional daily communication, E-mail serves as the primary method of written interaction. 
On this page, you will find templates for your E-mail signature tailored to each country, along with a brief guide on how to set it up on both your computer and smartphone.

Customizing Template

1. Download the Template 
Download the Template specific to your country (see sidebar right “Templates”)


2. Save the Template
Save the Word document to a folder on your personal OneDrive for easy access


3. Customizing
Customize all yellow-highlighted sections with your personal information.Do not alter the format, including font size, font color, or line spacing. Refer to the comments on the side for additional guidance and review the completed template afterward. 

Following example provided: 




Here you find the full names of the schools


This is how your Signature should look like:

4. Adjust the Short Version
Create and adjust the short version of your signature following the same process as above. 
Thats how it should look like after Customizing it: 

5. Save Your Work
Ensure you save the document to prevent losing any changes. Here you can find the manual on how to implent it on your Computer and Smartphone