Instruction Manual for Email Signature
Please follow the step-by-step instruction manual of how to implement your personalised signature in both computer and smartphone.
1. Open Personalised Signature
Open the document that you have created and saved based on the signtature block templates guideline.
11. Create the Short Version
Create a new signature for the “short version” by repeating the same steps outlined above, starting from point 7.
12. Configure Default Settings
Ensure the default signature settings are correctly set for both versions as shown in the provided picture.
13. Save and Test
Click “OK” to save everything and test your new signature.
14. Send for Review
Send an email with both the long and short versions of your signature to the following address for a check:
I’ll review your signature and let you know if everything looks good!
1. Download the Required Apps
You are going to need those following Apps:
Outlook: Microsoft Outlook im App Store
One Drive: Microsoft OneDrive im App Store
- Word: Microsoft Word im App Store
2. Access your Personalised Signature
Open the OneDrive app, go to the Files section, and navigate to the folder where your personalised signature has been saved.
8. Send for Review
Send an E-Mail with your Smartphone to the following address for a quick review:
I’ll review your signature and let you know if everything looks good!
Thank you. You have now updated your signature in both computer and smartphone.